CFBC Basketball Outreach Ministry

Matthew 28:19,20

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Well, people all around us are gearing up for football season.  We will soon be hearing "Roll Tide," "Ware Eagle," "Go Jags," and "Top the Top".  However, at Christ Fellowship Baptist Church, we are gearing up to play some basketball with our neighbors!

On Tuesday, September 5th, we will once again reach out to our neighborhood by playing basketball in the CFBC gym.  This ministry is for young men ages 15 to 30 years old who enjoy playing the game of basketball.  Since many of these youn men don't have a safe and air-conditioned place to play basketball, they look forward each week to this opportunity.  It is interesting how this ministry began.  Two years ago, an older brother of one of the Bible Club children brought this idea to us as a way we could minister to young men who live in our neighborhood.  We told him if he would bring his friends, we would provide the leaders and the gym.  This ministry has enabled us to build friendships and share the gospel with many young men.  On Tuesday nights, the gym will be open from 6pm to 8pm for the guys to play basketball, hear a gospel presentation and share their prayer requests.  Throughout the evening there are opportunities for one on one discussions and prayer.

Men, if you would like an opportunity to have a captive audience for the gospel and develop friendships with some young men who need Christ, please come and be a part of this ministry.  Church family, please pray for this ministry, the leaders and the young men who attend.  Our prayer is that we plant and water the seeds of the gospel and God will cause the growth.

If you have any questions about the Basketball Outreach Ministry, please see Billy Allen, Sam Brooks, Brent Litton, or Mike Stanton.  An additional blessing of this ministry is that the leaders are growing in their relationships with Christ and each other as they encourage one another to love and good deeds.  Please join us!
