AWANA = "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed." 2 Timothy 2:15
AWANA meets each Wednesday evening during the school year and is open for children 3 years old through 5th grade. AWANA helps children in the practice of hiding the Word of God in their hearts while being taught how to place their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and daily living. Each week consists of organized Game time, Handbook time, Missions time, and The Gathering. Parents are always welcome to attend AWANA with their child.
Club Organization
Mission Time - Students will memorize together a large portion of Scripture and learn about missionaries who have shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world
Handbook Time - Students recite previously memorize Scripture and follow age-appropriate studies for a better understanding of God's Word
Game Time - Students participate in fun, safe, team-oriented games
The Gathering - Sparks and T&T classes join together for singing and in-depth Bible study, led by the Ministry Leader
Puggles - 2 year olds (we currently do not offer this class)
Cubbies - 3 and 4 year olds (must be three by Sept 1)
Sparks - K5 - 2nd grades
Truth & Training - 3rd - 5th grades
The teaching for the Puggles program is built around four precepts: God Made Everything, God Saw That It Was Good, God is Love, and Give Thanks.
The four precepts are spread across 32 teaching cards for lesson times. Each week features a theme around one of the precepts and related core verses: Genesis 1:1, John 1:3, Isaiah 42:5, Genesis 1:10, 1 John 4:15, and Psalm 105:1.
At Home: Take home cards help parents reinforce lesson concepts in simple ways throughout the week. They also encourage the whole family to learn about God together.
Cubbies Appleseed and Honeycomb handbooks combine basic Scripture memory with parent-child activities to help Cubbies grasp simple spiritual truths. Each Cubbies handbook contains a helpful review CD to use at home. One handbook is completed in a club year. Each handbook contains 26 Bear Hug sections along with four special-day sections.
At Home: Cubbies encourages parental involvement. Your child's handbooks feature parent-child activities for home. You will lead your child through handbook sections, called Bear Hugs, to prepare for the next club gathering. Each Bear Hug includes optional activities, called "Under the Apple Tree," for reviewing Bible verses and lessons learned earlier. An audio CD included in your child’s handbook has review material that you can listen to together.
Sparks curriculum is comprised of three handbooks. Each handbook builds a foundation of biblical wisdom through memory verse drills, crafts, activities, and review of key doctrine and Bible facts.
Before working in the first handbook, HangGlider, all newcomers to Sparks will complete an entrance booklet—Flight 3:16 - that centers on the Gospel message of John 3:16. WingRunner & SkyStormer handbooks challenge Sparkies to learn about 15 more verses than the preceding book. Each handbook includes an audio CD with readings of all the Bible biographies, memory verses, and character stories.
At Home: Invest in your child’s AWANA studies by reading and discussing the Bible and the handbook sections with your child and helping them memorize verses. Use the Parent Ideas section in each handbook to help your child understand the biographies and see how they fit in the Bible. Sparks Bookwalks are online tools that walk you through your child’s handbook to help you help your child.
T&T Ultimate Adventure (2 books) teaches that salvation in Christ is the ultimate adventure. Each Ultimate Adventure handbook answers four questions about God and the Bible. Clubbers learn eight answers to each of these questions along with the verses to back up these answers. Before working in the handbook, kids new to T&T complete a short booklet that explains God’s plan of salvation.
Challenge (2 books) answers eight questions (four in each book) about God and the Bible. Kids learn eight answers to each question memorizing verses that back up the answers. Bible studies, activities, and service opportunities take them further into the subject matter.
At Home: In T&T handbooks, every “Discovery” or “Challenge” begins with a parent page that explains how you can reinforce the truths taught in subsequent sections and help your child succeed. T&T Bookwalks are online tools that walk you through your child’s handbook to help you help your child.