men’s ministry

At Christ Fellowship Baptist Church, our goal in all things is to glorify God by holding forth the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In men’s ministry, we seek do this by fostering a culture of mutual accountability among our men in which the truth of God and the gospel are central to our thinking and everyday living.

Men’s Bible Study \\ The Galleon

The Galleon meets every Tuesday morning at 6am in Fellowship Hall. We rotate between book and Bible studies with a time of large group lecture and small group discussions. We are currently in 2 John. Below is a link to the lectures and notes from Pastor Tom Gibson.


Deacon Ministry

Deacons serve in multiple areas at Christ Fellowship Baptist Church enabling the elders and pastoral staff to give themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word of God. Annual recommendations for deacons are collected from the church body. These men are tested according to the qualities established in I Timothy 3:8-13. Based upon the identified ministry needs, qualified candidates are then presented to the congregation for affirmation.

Men Counseling Men

This ministry partners with the local Women’s resource Center, and is to men that are currently or have been a partner in an untimely and unwanted pregnancy. Volunteers are trained to counsel these men through these difficult circumstances and to show God’s plan for their lives and the lives of their unborn children. The Women’s Resource Center ministry saves over a thousand babies each year.