Deacon Ministry

The office of deacon stated in Paul’s epistles is one of the two offices of the New Testament church. Deacons alleviate tension and preserve unity within the church through service, doing spiritual work by meeting physical needs, as the very word “deacon” means, one who serves. In short, we teach that the elders lead in ministry, deacons facilitate in ministry, the congregation does the ministry (Eph. 4:12).

Deacons will be appointed to specific tasks as part of the normal ministries of CFBC, therefore this will be a task-specific model of deacon ministry. The elders will provide oversight and support in the accomplishment of the various tasks.

Annual recommendations for deacons are collected from the church body. These men are tested according to the qualities established in I Timothy 3:8-13. Based upon the identified ministry needs, qualified candidates are then presented to the congregation for affirmation.

The ministries of CFBC are grouped into three broad categories:

Reaching Out – This category represents those ministries that reach outside of the walls of CFBC and the specific members of CFBC. These would include the local neighborhood outreach, Atria ministry, benevolence ministry, evangelistic endeavors, missions, conferences, etc.

Reaching In – Those ministries that are focused on discipleship of the current members of CFBC and ministering to the specific needs of our people. This would include Equipping Hour, children’s and student ministries, shut-in ministry, senior and widow care, bookstore/library, facilities, retreats, etc.

Reaching Up – This is the ministry of the corporate gatherings of our people, such as worship center preparation, audio/video, greeters, security, Lord’s Supper preparation, clean up, etc.